Sunday, October 10, 2010


Thursday, June 3, 2010

mind BODY spirit

In the early part of my life I tended to place most developmental emphasis on spiritual development. Since I was about 10 years old I've studied the fascinating worlds of spirituality, starting with the occult, then moving on to more traditional religions and philosophies as a teen.

As time went on, I increased the amount of attention to mental studies, psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics, usually with an emphasis on the philosophical aspects.

Although in my late 20's and early 30's I began to practice body development, it wasn't until quite recently that I truly entered this arena. Eight weeks ago I stepped on the scale at about 10PM. My weight was 280lbs. I was so shocked at this new realization that I began the BODY realm of my Odyssey.

The Upward Slope

In 2001, I began a body building regimen at the UNM Valencia Campus. I would do weight training two times a day, aerobics twice a week, and martial arts twice a week. In spite of all this training, I had an high caloric diet, approximately 4000 calories a day! It was random and was quite the polar opposite of my calculated, strategic training regimen.

When I graduated from Valencia and went on for my Bachelors at Main Campus, I no longer had the time, or inclination to work out. But i maintained my diet. Each milestone was met with a promise that if i hit the next milestone, that would be the last straw. Milestones included 225lbs, 235lbs, 245lbs, 255lbs, and 265lbs. After 265lbs, I no longer pretended to make threats against my own mind and simply said, "someday, i'll lose this weight."

All this time, I had the confidence that I could lose it. I just had to be ready to do it.

The Last Straw

On April 12, 2010, I stepped on the scale and weighed in at 280lbs. I had been depressed for a few weeks up to this point because I felt like I wasn't mastering my destiny. Rather than make excuses, promises, or false commitments, I simply grabbed my keys and drove to the high school track and ran. I ran/walked three laps until my lungs gave out. The next two nights, I did it again, until my legs gave out. I created an excel spreadsheet to monitor my progress.

In five days i was down to 268.6lbs. I focused my attention on my diet, bringing my diet down to about 1800 calories a day. I created conservative weight loss goals of approximately 3 lbs a week. My upward slope milestones became my downward slope milestones. I hit 265lbs on May 2nd. And three days ago, on May 31st, I hit 255lbs.

And so my journey continues.